What's going on...
We Were On The News...
Willy Wonka, Charlie and Kate went on WMBB News Channel 13 to let the local community know about our brilliant new show.
Ainsley (Mon/Wed Annie) and Miss Kate (director) had a great time on WJHG News Channel 7 on the Monday morning segment promoting Annie Jr.
We were on the news!
Public Eye Soar
We had a brilliant time performing at Public Eye Soar on 9th Nov. It was a great opportunity for the kids to perform in front of an audience, and it helped spread the word about our brilliant show! Thanks to all those who came, and to Public Eye Soar and GCSC for organizing this brilliant event.
We were on the news!
A few of our talented cast along with Miss Kate and Miss Martha went down to WJHG to appear on the afternoon news to tell the community about our brilliant show!